My Twitter Experience

Twitter. Whether we've known, just learned, or maybe still aren't sure, how to use it; we all know exactly what it is. Social media has expanded with Twitter; it's become more fun! It's a quick, easy, and witty way to interact with friends and strangers who we call our followers.
Oh, followers. They seem easy to get, right? Wrong! My first thought when I read up on this module and assignment were, "Oh! Hashtags and tweets? To gain followers? How hard can this be?!" Not super complicated, but not easy, either.
The first step I took was following people I know. I followed friends and classmates to make my Twitter timeline a little more lively and familiar. Then, I followed a few of my favorite celebrities and sports teams so I could stay updated on what was happening and when (which, was very useful, and a lot quicker than Googling news on them and scores!).
After going through some of the links in this module, I knew hashtags were the way to go! Every day I would check what was trending on Twitter, and if I found some topics that were interesting and intriguing, I would tweet my feelings about them! Here's a few tweets where I used hashtags:
Other hashtags I used were: #TuesdayThoughts, #NewProfilePic, #WorldKindnessDay, #earthquake, and #VeteransDay. The use of all of these hashtags really did help bring more followers, and interactions, to my Twitter feed! People, including strangers, would favorite, retweet, and reply to my tweets that mentioned these worldwide trends and topics; and if they really liked what I had to say about things, they'd follow me! I really enjoyed not only tweeting these hashtags, but clicking on them and being able to read what other people had to say about the topic.
A few other students from this class were retweeting things with the hashtags along the lines of, #FollowTrain, #FollowMe, and #GainFollowers; these were tweets where people would follow whoever liked or retweeted the tweet, then that person would follow back! I did end up participating in some of those follow trains and mass follow tweets. They didn't always work (sometimes people didn't follow back, while some didn't even participate in following at you at all), but I would say that they definitely did help me gain a few followers here and there. I liked the concept of it because not only did I get more followers, but following the people back made my timeline more active. It was nice to see what people from all over the world were thinking via their tweets.
Overall, I thought this module was fun; I'd possibly even call it my favorite so far! It was a fun way to interact with people and Twitter made me feel as if I really had a voice. It was fun to interact with other classmates and friends to see what was going on in their lives while scrolling through my timeline. Over these last couple of weeks, I went from having one follower, to have 50!
I would say that out of all the social media sites out on the big, worldwide web, Twitter is my favorite!
Not bad! Wait til you see how many the winners got. You will be amazed! It's a tricky competition but I'm hoping we get some feedback from the winners on how they did it. Thanks for trying! It's not easy.